Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Main Task - Filming first attempts

We decided to film on Sunday 21st as the weather report said sunny. After a huge panic to find the actors in time as the ones we planned before hand we unable we finally had Allie and Nina's friend Jenny who agreed to help us out.
We all met on the beach and it took a while to be able to actually start filming due to trying to find a spot where there weren't lots of people but enough room for the whole clip.
Once we located where it was best to film we began and realised that the connector for the camera and tripod wasn't in the camera case or on the tripod so had to do the whole thing hand held.
As I have the role of the camera women I decided to do it anyway as we planned everything and thought as long as I keep it steady as possible the clip should look okay. Sadly the outcome of the film wasn't to the best of my ability with it being out of focus and in some cases on a slant, as well as it being too shaky from me not having a steady hand and the weather being very sandy. With this being a huge problem as the rest of the group and myself wasn't happy with the outcome we decided to re - film the clip with the use of the tripod making sure the framing was correct and overcome the shakiness.
We decided to re film on the date on Friday 26th and began filming. After 20 minutes into the filming process the weather turned bad and started raining very heavy stopping us from continuing due to the risk of the camera being damaged.

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