Tuesday 30 March 2010

Filming - successful one!


After Friday having to be stopped due to the weather we rescheduled for Sunday afternoon. Again we had to change the day to Monday as our actors were unable to do it and the weather wasnt great.
On Monday the 29th we actually filmed and it went well. I made sure before hand the everything was right with the tripod doing many test shots and checking the framing on the camera with the story boards and Sadie the director.
I made sure we had either 2 or 3 shots of each to make sure the Nina as the editor had many options to pick from which would allow the clip to look as good as possible. Luckly the actors were very co-operative to do the scene over and over to make sure it was perfect with mise-en-scene and the camera angles.
I think compared to the other film we had alot more motivation to make sure this one was perfect to correct our many mistakes which happened last time. Me and Sadie worked alot better together checking every angle was right from the framing and the straightness of the film. Also with the use of the tripod their was no problem of it being shaky as it kept the camera steady throughout.
The main problem we had was making sure it was straight as we were filming on the sandy part of the beach leading to it in some cases being on a slope. But we made sure everything was straight before filming by moving the tripod or if necessary moving where the beach is alot flatter. Compared to the last actors which we had although they were good the chemistry wasnt enough to make the film believeable the actors in this clip worked well with eachother which added to the conventions required. It was also alot easier to direct and work with.
To make sure the risk of sand damaging the camera i made sure the tape was in the camera at my house so no sand could get in. Also the weather wasnt too windy so there was no risk of that problem happening.
As a group we decided to have no dialect throughout the whole clip so we used music from a copyright free cd in the libary. To make sure it didn't look like a music video we added the atmospheric noises of the sea as a mix with the track.

We used 54 seconds of track 7 - Crimson Joy by Jim Dooley. We mixed the atmospheric sound of the sea by unlinking it from the clips and lowering the volume so its only a slight addition to the music, which made the clip more realistic and natural.

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