Thursday 15 April 2010


With the coursework process finished and completed I am now able to give an evaluation of the whole thing comparing the main and preliminary exercise on the pre-production process, filming and editing.
With both of the tasks as a group we wanted it to look as professional as we could with the skills we had. I think the preliminary task came out a lot more successful and professional with all the main aspects; camera angles, mise-en-scene and editing. With many problems occurring with the main task it has effected the outcome of the final product. The main problems being the weather and the actors. By filming outside the weather had to be right for mise en scene, pathetic falice and so the equipment wasn't damaged by the rain or damp.

The actors also were hard to arrange to our schedule which had to change a numerous amount of times for them. With the preliminary exercise being filmed inside the college it was a lot more easier to find a replacement and the weather didn't effect filming at all which when looking back makes us as a group regret filming outside for the main.
The audience for the opening sequence is directing mainly to girls between the ages of 15 - 23 where relationships and love has a high importance compared to younger girls and older women. Also everything in the clip comes from the girls perspective, what she wants and lusts for, allowing the audience to relate to how she feels.
In both of our clips the ideology of the girls are seen throughout to be more dependant on the man. In the main clip she looks lost and scared without him and when he runs back to her she is comfortable again and looks safe. This is showing the dependence of the girl for him, which relates to real life situations, traditionally the man is the more dominant one giving a sense of protection. In the preliminary clip we tried to go against the typical gangster films by having the worker for the main Gangster a women, however we showed that by him choosing her he spoke a lot more stern, frightening her to do the jobs rather then her just wanting to. Also the costume she wore was a short dress showing a lot of her body, which suggests its what the gangster wants to see and making her wear it for his pleasure, demeaning the girl even more.
I think Optimum releasing would be our choice of company to distribute our film as they distribute a high amount of British films, as well as other foreign countries. Although a lot of their films are of the more horror kind, they also seem to be not ones which have well known directors showing they help independent directors with a low budget. As a group we researched optimum releasing so we have a better knowledge of the company, such as we know they are a successful distributing company meaning we would get a profit from the film we created with their help.
Before i started the coursework I had never operated a video camera before so it was completely new to me. And i think with my lack of experience I found it hard to know for certain if everything was correct, which was part of the reason our first try of the main exercise came out so poor. However from having that mistake it made me more aware of what needed to be done when we filmed again, making sure it was straight and not shaking or any movement what so ever when not required. I also didn't use windows movie maker before and i didn't realise how simple and good it was to cut and edit the film well. It was also a lot quicker to be done which when writing the schedule for the preliminary we put a few days for editing when it only really took 1 lesson.
Overall with the preliminary exercise we wanted the main to be a lot different to show versatility, however with this it seemed to give us more problems in the main exercise which should of happened in the preliminary so we could of learnt from it. We worked to our best ability in both of the exercises but due to the weather constantly changing in Weymouth it gave us a very big problem of when we could film, which meant time was running out until the deadline. As well as the actors letting us down or not being free the days we needed them, when the weather report said sunny. I believe that if we could do it all again we would of changed the idea to being inside so that whole problem was overcome and have better communication with the actors. Without those problems I think we worked well as a group all trying to get a good final outcome. The only other problem was that with one of the members in the group they didn't quite know what was required in the role they took for the main exercise which effected the final outcome.
Apart from the problems creating a huge amount of stress and panic I have enjoyed the coursework, creating the ideas and putting them all together was good fun. I didnt realise it would have been quite as hard as it has been which added to the stress I think. But as a group I think we are as happy as we can be with both the main and preliminary exercise.

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